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About Us

History of Ibrahim Khalilullah Islamic Center

Ibrahim K.I. Center was established in 1996 in Fremont CA. As population of new arrivals and immigrants from Afghanistan have increased in the Bay Area, specially in Fremont, the community have realized the need for a masjid and community center to address their religious and traditional needs. A group of noble personalities from city of Fremont came together and laid the foundation of IKI Center.

For many years the center was renting a space in shopping mall. The Ornization purchased the building at current location in 2006 and renovated the interiors of the building to the current beautiful and grand Masjid that is known for its iconic style in city of Fremont.

More to come ... .

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Enlighten yourself by learning more about Islam ...

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It will show you that major religions have more in common ...

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Come together, as our humanity has much more in common ...

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There is no better duty than being in service of man kind ...

Five Pillars of        
Islamic Ideology        



Profession of Islamic Faith



Praising Allah, Expressing Gratitude, Seeking Guidance



Fasting, Self-discipline, & Empathy for less Fortunate



Purify your wealth, Promote Social Justice, Donate part of your Surplus

The Hajj

The Hajj

Pilgrimage to Mecca, The Holiest City of Islam, at least once in a life time

Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage
to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia